Neurodiversity and DisAbility Rights

“Nothing about us without us.”

A Deeper Look:

DisAbility rights is a civil rights issue and therefore an important part of social justice. Neurodiversity and disAbility of all kinds are part of the human spectrum. It’s important to understand differences between people in the way they are neurologically wired, or behaviorally or physically challenged in the same way that it’s important to see and work sensitively with cultural and gender differences. There are times when we focus a great deal of time and energy trying to change the behaviors or functionality of people who don’t want or need to change. At the same time, supportive measures can make a difference in the ability of someone to live a fulfilling and productive life.

Steps We Can Take:

When personal neurodiversity or disAbility impacts ability to function in everyday life, we can work with individuals to make way for them to realize their highest potential.

Work on the 4 A’s of Autism. When Stephen Shore, EdD flew in for an interview with us, he talked about the 3 A’s of Autism – Awareness, Acceptance, and Appreciation. Recently, he added a 4th A: Action. Stephen offers a wealth of information about neurodiversity on his website, We had a great time learning about the 3 A’s and more in our conversation: Gee Whiz That Sounds Like Me


We spoke with Noah Adams, about his advocacy and research related to people who are both Trans and Autistic, like him. Real people with real opinions who need to be heard.

Dr. Robert Naseef and Dr. Stephen Shore often present together about neurodiversity and autism. Most recently, they’ve worked on a curriculum together to help people with autism attain success in the workplace. They teach soft skills to people with autism and help managers and staff to understand their autistic co-workers. They help everyone to translate the hidden social code such as Who Sits Down First.

Robert Naseef, PhD has a unique voice as a professional psychologist, author and speaker who teaches about the humanity in autism, and helps families cope with the challenges and celebrate the successes. He shared some of his insights with us about autism and humanity on our podcast: No Clear Dividing Line

LaChan V Hannon is a career educator, Executive Director, PhD student, and mom using her professional and academic platforms to focus on culturally responsive school practices. Her scholarly focuses on the intersectionality of race, disability, and parent involvement as they relate to the professional development for school educators. She spoke with us about lessons she tries to impart to her two children in Black Mothering for White Spaces.