It’s the last Tuesday of the month and we are talking, After Hours, about how we think racists are born. Hint: It has nothing to do with nature.
The one in which we are just chatting, After Hours, about lies and fake news. How are some people so susceptible to believing “alternative facts”?!
Evaluating Leadership
In this Shrinks After Hours, we take a look at our expectations of leadership and some of the many bizarre behaviors that are sometimes tolerated.
A Female VP
In this Shrinks After Hours episode, we chat about how we feel about having a woman in high office. Whether this would happen in our lifetime was questionable at many points, yet… here we are with a woman Vice President of the U.S.
The one in which we talk After Hours about how our whiteness and our privilege makes us blind to much that goes on around us – what we are learning about it, and what we are doing about it.
Turns out that despite the old cliche, what we don’t know (or can’t see) really can hurt us (and others).
Angry White Men
This month we talk After Hours about our feelings, ideas and perceptions regarding angry white men. What makes them feel entitled to control others, where do they come from, and why do they hate?
2020 Hindsight
The one in which we take time to look back at the year many of us just lived through, mourn those of us who didn’t live through it, and try to look ahead to 2021.
Talking Turkey
The session in which we discuss the real history and meaning of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Education Whitewash
Just us Shrinks having an After Hours discussion about the lack of actual American History in our prior education – trying to come to terms with our whitewashed understanding of so many things, on so many levels.
We haven’t been in person together in almost 6 months now and the title of this Shrinks After Hours episode perhaps, in part, reflects that fact. Loneliness is experienced very differently by different people and in this particular episode we were reflecting upon that with Allison Gibbs, LCSW, of Therapy Concierge, LLC.