
The one in which we unpack the Filibuster. There was recently a lot of talk about changing or even getting rid of the filibuster. in this session we talk about what the filibuster is and why it needs changing. 

Check out this episode!

Clean Energy

The one in which we talk about how important it is to get away from our dependence on fossil fuels and move toward clean green energy. We also talk about the great resistance to doing what’s needed in this regard. 

Check out this episode!

Pandemic Burnout

On this last Tuesday of the month, we’re talking After Hours about how burned out we all are from this whole pandemic thing. And, how important it is to keep going and keep up the suggested health protocols and guidelines anyway. 

Check out this episode!

Psychology’s Apology

The one in which we share the American Psychological Association’s recent apology for the racism the field of psychology has been a part of and has contributed to. As psychologists, we share in the wrongdoings and the responsiblity to make it right. 

Check out this episode!

Pet Adoption

In this session of Shrinks After Hours, our last Tuesday of the month feature, we chat about Pet Adoption. Specifically, the rise in adoptions since the beginning of the Pandemic and how we (and our loving pets) are doing. 


Check out this episode!

Intersectional Feminism

The one in which we chat about our growth as feminists and the importance of intersectional feminism versus the feminism in which we grew up. Feminism has to be fully inclusive and we cannot assume that all women face the same struggles and have the same needs. We have to go much deeper and do much better.

Check out this episode!