Mindfulness During the Pandemic

It’s the last Tuesday of the month and in this episode we chat about maintaining some balance and lowering stress through mindfulness. It may be harder than ever to maintain a healthy life-work-stress balance during this pandemic but we’re talking about how we can do the best we can and make some real progress in this regard. 

Check out this episode!

Modern Slavery

The one in which we explore modern day slavery including all types of oppressive situations made by force or deception. Rather than being over, slavery is going strong and represents big business around the world and right here in the United States. 

Check out this episode!


The one in which we talk about the need to seriously talk about the debt we owe to Black and Indigenous people. How can we ever repair at least some of the harm that was inflicted upon them? Let’s talk.  

Check out this episode!

Treatment Bias

It’s the last episode of the month and we’re just talking After Hours about things we Shrinks think about after hours. Today’s topic is bias in mental health treatment. We’ve talked about bias in diagnosis and this is related because if the initial way of looking at a person or their struggles is biased, the whole course of treatment can be biased as well. Have a listen.

Check out this episode!